What Is He, Really?


After having acquired everything he could get from the world's core, Noah quickly decided to go back to the surface.

However, he was stopped by the world's core.

"W-Wait!" she cried.

"What is it?" asked Noah.

"Well… I was thinking that there could be another way to assist you. Could there be a possibility of letting me aid you with your System? It is amazing how you were capable of stealing the System Cube that made up your System Status and corrupted it with your Blood Core into your own System… And you even did the same with the rest of your allies, all of humanity has now changed their system to this one… Could it be possible for me to insert some of my power into your system to aid you through there? I am a novice at system management, but I really want to learn more," said the world's core.

Noah squinted his eyes.