The Dragon Heroes Prepare For War


The King of the Ignitias Kingdom glanced at the large army of Dragons in front of his castle. They were considered quite strong, as each soldier was at least Level 3 or 4 in their Dragon Heart Cultivation.

Dragon Heart Cultivation had levels, the higher they were, the stronger a dragon was. The minimum for a dragon to be a soldier of the Kingdom was Level 3, which made most of them, but there were some at Level 4 and even Level 5.

The strongest Dragons that Noah had fought against were the Draconic Fathers whose Dragon Hearts were probably at around Level 9 or 10, which was already considered a dragon that was soon to ascend into a Divine Dragon.

The strongest generals of the Kingdom, which Noah killed without breaking a sweat were approximately Level 6 or 7, but now that they were gone, where would the Kingdom get stronger Dragons to fight against those capable of slaughtering the generals with the utmost ease?