Noah Against Dragon Heroes


"Maybe try to block this."

Noah decided to infuse darkness and chaos into his spear as it suddenly changed shape and color, becoming something similar to the embodiment of humanity's sins!

Dragovic looked at the legendary weapon that Noah wielded with disbelief.

"What kind of entity are you?! T-That weapon clearly holds divine power within it…!" cried Dragovic.

"You'll found out soon enough!"

Noah threw his spear towards the snake and Dragovic, as Dragovic used the corpses of his monsters as a meat shield, which as easily pierced and vaporized!



The spear continued its trajectory as the Spatial Chimera Snake hissed loudly, releasing a wave of spatial fracturing energy!


"It won't work anymore."

However, Noah was confident on it! His spear was now shrouded in Chaos, an element capable of breaking down other elements through elemental erosion!