Massacre! Crushing Victory!


Ignatius saw something truly deplorable! He saw as Noah was… in the clouds?!

"No… impossible! I killed you! Y-You can… turn into clouds?!"

Noah had indeed died. But his soul remained by leaving his turned-into-ashes body, flying into the clones in the sky turned into clouds. Like this, he had simply switched into another of his bodies!

Ignatius was not completely capable of destroying a soul; therefore, he was clueless about being able to destroy Noah truly!

Although his attacks carried soul-destroying power, it was not enough for someone so strong as Noah!

"I am not someone that can easily die…" said Noah, as he bathed Ignatius with thunderbolts!



Ignatius was bombarded with attacks all around his body!

The powerful thunderbolts fell over the weakened Ignatius, his draconic energy had ran out, and he began to feel the effects!