Arriving In The Dragon Kingdom Of Windias


"Hehe, did you see that mama?"

Alicia cutely waved her hand to Timassa, the little vampire girl was developing fast, now she was able to talk eloquently and even acquired her own dragon heart and got some cute, purple-colored dragon scales around her body, little wings, and a little and thin tail.

"W-What is that girl?!"

"You little whore!"

The other bandits leaped over her as Arthur got angry that they called his daughter like that.

"You dare call my daughter like that, you filthy ants?!"

Arthur waved his hand as a splash of acid fell over the dragons, six of them began to melt horribly and agonizingly the second after!



"It hurts! GRRUUEEGGH…!"

The massacre was amazing, and Alice looked at it fascinatedly.

"Ooh! I want to do that too!"