Gergesh Malicious Plan


Gergesh, the Evil Dragon God of Mind Eating was captured, defeated, and sealed… However, his sealed fragments were foolishly stuck together.

The Dragon Gods were not able to properly seal him because they had to escape the wrath of the Heaven Pantheon when they found out that Gods descended into the mortal world and caused a complete mess. His fragmented and sealed body was contained inside a box-shaped item, which was lost in time, only to be found almost five hundred years ago by a merchant… and since then, his dark shadows had begun to crawl within Windias.

Gergesh had crawled within the depths of this Kingdom since its early beginnings, found on a strange black box by a merchant, he was initially sold toa  young aristocrat that found the box pretty, which he later opened, only to find a strange and mummified bug-like parasitic worm inside…