The Evil Dragon Gods Plans


Crack… crack… CRASH!


Gergesh once more felt a sudden horror emerge from within the very depths of his soul as he sensed the agony of four of his divine fragments being completely eaten!

Such an agonizing pain made the Evil Dragon God groan in agony inside his Divine Realm…

"His power… he seemed invincible… What kind of powers were those?! No… I have to calm down. There's no point in being surprised. I have to plan out… He is hunting the Heroes I've parasitized. Why? Does he… I see. So he's the same as me. This Evil Dragon God came to my place just to snack on my subjects… And he expects me to sit idle and do nothing?! I will devour him first… Dividing myself is not a problem thanks to the structure of my own Divine Soul…"

Gergesh quickly calmed down as his cold and calculative mind quickly came with new plan ideas. His soul quickly began to fragment away as it was used over large beasts within his Divine Realm…