Intense Battle


Noah attacked Gergesh with a rain of thunderbolts by shapeshifting into thunderclouds and taking over the skies!




The thunderbolts began to see electricity across the dark domain and destabilized it, as the thunderbolts reached Gergesh and bathed him with damage over time, but even then, Noah's thunderbolts were growing outdated against the power of a God, they were not so strong compared to his stronger elements, and Gergesh managed to easily tank them as he conjured a powerful divine technique!


A massive tide of worms made of materialized aura suddenly reached Noah in an instant, as he was bathed in this deadly attack and began fall back, his cloud body started to dissipate, so he turned back into flesh and then used his spear to slash through the deadly swarm of worms one by one, while releasing blood projectiles that exploded into combined elements with chaos attribute!