Enhanced Draconic Might


Now that Noah had finished confirming that everything was in order with this new Lifeblood Jewel upgrade, he quickly decided to upgrade the Dragon Lifeblood Jewel next! By infusing crazy quantities of System Points, the wonderfully beautiful red jewel was upgraded, glistening shiningly with all the shades of red that one could possibly imagine!



[You've exchanged 450.000 System Points!]

[Your Lifeblood Jewel has been enhanced to God-Grade!]

[New Abilities have been unlocked]

[The power and effects of previous Abilities have been tripled]

And with this, a greater upgrade has been done to the Lifeblood Jewel!


Noah glanced at Arudiel, as the power of the glorious multi-elemental golden dragon skyrocketed! He suddenly unlocked a new element in Light, as his body exuded an even brighter aura of rainbow colors!