Using Their Power Against Them!


After he killed the Heroes of the Aquaias Kingdom, Noah acquired their souls, which he repurposed and merged with his Lifeblood Jewel, bringing forth the ability to summon them as the Twelve Dragon Heroes! Of course, the ones he had were more than enough, and he couldn't summon more than 12 at the same time, so he simply had to do something very easily, replace one of them for the one he wanted to use.

Amidst the new Heroes he got, there was one with a very powerful asset and ability, a Hero Unit not only with the power to boost all dragons defense and offense, but also having the power to summon its own troops by absorbing the energy from the enemies around her!

He quickly replaced one of the Twelve Dragon Heroes, bringing forth the Nature Heroine of the Aquaias Kingdom, who had the shape of a giant feathered and winged snake with a sharp golden beak.