Lucifer's Schemes...


Lucifer, the Evil Dragon of Chaos had unleashed his Chaotic Era over the entire world! Noah had brought to the world something that many would had preferred to be prevented, and he was, in fact, part of this entire scheme…

Lucifer was the Evil Chaos Dragon Venerable of this new Era in the World of Vedas… In Vedas, each Era was always shaped by a different Supreme Dragon God, or Dragon Venerable as they called them… they were powerful Dragons like nobody else had seen, they had the power to change the destiny of an entire world by merely existing…

In the world of Vedas divinity was classified in several Ranks, there were Living Dragon Deities, Dragon Demigods, Dragon Gods, Great Dragon Gods, and Supreme Dragon Gods… each rank was separated with a great deal of power each, however, the Supreme Dragon Gods were a realm too hard to achieve, even harder than the ones before.