Dark lands Part 5

It was daytime but the fog was thick, thicker than yesterday. Riding on horses, the guards were more alert this time. Torches were lifted to their head level, riding close to the carriages. The road was just made of dirt and the hooves clattered as the horses walked.

The adventurers were still on edge thinking that yesterday's attack could come or even much worst. Their breathings were silent as a whisper. Ready for an upcoming battle anytime soon.

Joan on the contrary was just sleeping. Or so they saw him as in such a predicament. But Joan was looking in the eyes of Tengu. Having a [Share vision and mind] was comfy on his part. He didn't think that crows were that useful. By using the [Beast aura] white, they can see the surroundings having no creatures in their radius.

While looking at a bird's eye view, they were being watched by Joan silently. Anything could happen and Joan was more prepared than them. A one step further in terms of preparedness.