Two years have passed,
the Huangjidao sect was reduced to ashes after seven months of an all-out war, details were not known but Chen guesses that Makpa is using an official within the Empire. It pained Chen that he could not fight with his friend especially when it was against his archenemy someone he hated to the bones. But killing Makpa was a far fetched dream he looked at Rong who was trying to crawl out of the cave again.
'I'll make you the peak of existence'
He picked him up.
"You wanna go out that badly?"
'For the past two years the only thing this brat is doing is leaving the cave, let's see today what you want
The old man headed outside.
'haaaa. . . finally, light. . . thank Go-'
" haha hah how is it brat. . . feel like jumping down"
Outside the cave was a far ground a sane person would never dream of jumping down the height.
The hold man held him with just a pinch.
'. . . shhh.. I've only spent two years anyway, dying now should be way easier than living all my life in a mountain. . . I'll die now. . . bye bye world, hope I get reincarnated again'
" You see now that the only thing waiting for you is death when you are strong enough to defeat me I'll let you -"
Rong with his tiny hands tickled the man's hand and he lost grip for a short sec, but Rong was already falling.
"damn kid"
Chen immediately jumped but he descended at a horrifying speed and once he caught Rong he stopped floating.
" You've got some nerve kid. . . makes me excited, we are gonna have one hell of a time"
'. . . damn martial. . . master'
He flew upward, back to the cave.
A moment later, they sat opposite each other.
"First we will start with breathing techniques"
"Aaah bah"
"Don't you dare act dumb, I know you can understand me correctly you brat. . . b... breathe"
'damn this is hard'
Rong smirked,
'martial art my foot, I will not learn a thing, you'd have to eventually dump me. . . hm hm.'
'I'm done being patient, forgive me Luo lei, I'll do this my way"
He stands up,
'hmm. . . giving up already'
Chen looked down at him,
"If you wanna play dumb. . .then play dumb with food too"
'eh. . .this petty old man. . . I see that is what you will result to, after feeding me, rats and lizards for the past two years, this is what you'll result to.'
Rong was disgusted. . .
"But!! If you learn a martial art. . . I'll give you all kinds of roasted meat, even roasted meat. Isn't that we'll enough for a start?!"
His eyes broadened,
His mouth watered,
'meat. . .'
'Hmm I guess this is where my brilliant mind comes into play
Rong sat with his legs crossed, closed his eye and began to calmly breathe
'hehehehe. . . how is it old man?... I've learnt something this last two years whether I'm a baby or not, I have my memories and experience intact, no doubt I'm a genius, a professor and a medical doctor. . . every time he breathed for the last two years, it was different from normal breathing, the air gathering, the airflow in and out it was different. . . having studied the human respiration for a very long time humans depend on most time aerobic respiration, there is a regular pattern that airflow should be directed for the good of the body, the muscles most especially, if that flow is distorted could render someone immobile or worst case death... that is how sensitive breathing is to the body, it's the core of human existence, however. . . when j first saw it I was bewildered, it was as though this man has studied every part of the body, he directed the airflow in such a way that it barely had any harm towards the body using the diaphragm as a kind of pulley system, when I tried it, of course it didn't come as easy, it took me six months to get it, considering that I only practiced when the man was not around. . .but afterwards I started feeling a weird energy gathering beneath my stomach, then I made an hypothesis, this man's breathing technique did more than reforming your body structure, there was no other explanation, it was due to this continuous breathing that I begin to feel swirling beneath my stomach, but I got stuck, the energy kept getting larger and larger and it began to really make my stomach feel bad like there's a restraint placed on it. It really makes my tummy hurt but for the meat.'
Chen was surprised to see young Rong use his breathing technique the exact same way he did.
'what... a. . . breathing techniques most time cannot be described, I have to reform his muscles by directly allowing my neigong to affect his dantian so that when he begins to use the technique all things automatically fall in place but this kid. . . he's not just smart. . . learning all that on his own his a monstrous genius'
Rong fainted. . .
Chen quickly carried him and began to examine his pulse,
'no way. . . this amount of neigong, without even properly creating a pathway and purifying his dantian, if it's a normal person the dantian should have been destroyed by now, since the dantian serves as a pool that holds in neigong, gathering neigong without properly purifying the dantian and creating a pathway for proper flow of neigong throughout the muscles could result to the worst case of death one can ever imagine, the whole body could burst.'
Chen placed Rong on his thighs and placed his hands on his back, he began to do some adjust to Rong's dantian.