Total defeat.
'Over five years we've sparred 754 times and I've never been able to beat him,I've tried everything; food poisioning, sleep herbs, all kind of herbs, I still can't knock him to the ground'
Rong, sat at the entrance of the cave and staring at the endless green trees,
"I wonder what's beyond there... aish!dammnit I never signed up for this kind of reincarnation, I mean I can't even die, I can't see the outside world, I'm stuck with a cheesy old man that loves to train me in solitary, damn you should see the smile on his face when he is training me, exactly what does he want."
"... You mean me?"
"Yes you!"
Rong tilted his head sideways,
"...not you..."
Shirong who was crouching, sat down.
"Let's do spirit art... after spirit art I'll let you go"
"I want to ask. . ."
"Go on..."
"Why are you training me so hard, when you are not even my father. . ."
Shirong face went blank;
Rong was shocked, 'Perhaps I shouldn't have...'
"How do you know...?"
"Huh. . . what do you?..."
"I don't remember ever talking about these things with you, how did you know"
'The air changed, even though he is not moving I feel like I could die instantly... it's more like, my answer will determine if I live or die'
"Well... isn't is obvious ha... ha... who's father would try to drop him from a cliff"
"ooh... was it... wait... actually your grandfather would push you off a cliff without thinking much"
"Old man, I would never associate with my grandfather if he's that kind of person"
"Ah ah ah... I guess we oldies are not even versed in things like this, all we are thought is to kill and fight"
"I get why you are training me to kill and fight too"
"Rong there's a lot out there that you don't know, I'm training you to be able to protect yourself, to be flawless, to be paramount, to stand above all that exist, I believe with your genius mind you will reach a height that no one has ever reach. Even as you are now, not having learnt spirit art, you can easily take on a grandmaster level Jianghu warrior and still win, you might not know you have indeed come a long way... you still have a long way to go"
"So when are you going to let me leave?"
"When you are 15 years old"
'8 years to go...'
Rong sprang up.
"I'll do it"
The old man looked at him,
'Same as ever... for a moment I thought I was speaking to an adult, good grief'
He stood up and walked inside.
'8 years uh...'