What I'm going to do?

Max left the room and slammed the door, Ray and Daniel watching him in confusion, they got up and enter the room.

D: What happened? Why is Max angry?

Daniel asked and sat down next to James. James sighed and looked at him and said to Ray

J: Unfortunately Chester has to go to the military, and there's nothing we can do.

R: But he can come to us. How can you not do anything about it?

Rey said sadly.

J: That's what I said, but Max decided because of his behavior and safety. That's the law and I can't change it.

James hugged Ray.

C: Don't worry too much Ray, as far as I know the law I think when I'll be 18, I can leave the military and start my life. It's only one year."

Chester said and put his hand on Rey's shoulder. There was a knock on the door and a doctor came in, looked at the papers on the bed.

Dr: How are you feeling?

The doctor asked, took the papers and started writing on them.

C: It could be better,

Dr: It says here that you can go home in two days, but at General Max's request you can leave the hospital today. All you have to do is sign these papers and go to the front desk to get your Antibiotics.

The doctor handed over a piece of paper and a pen. Chester sighed, picked up the paper and went to read.

C: Whats the reason that I have to leave the hospital early and how did I end up here? Why doesn't that write here?

Chester said and looked at the doctor. The doctor was a little confused.

Dr: Well umm. It just says on this paper that you agree to leave the hospital. You'll get the other papers through the mail.

Chester signed the paper and threw it to the doctor.

C: Take your shit and get out of room!

Chester said angrily. Everyone looked at him in, the Doctor picked up the papers and left.

R: What is wrong?

Ray asked and hugged him.

C: Nothing

J: Come on guys it's time to go

James said and helped Chester to stand out of bed.

R: Would you like to spend this day with us?

Ray asked with a smile on his face.

C: I'm not sure, I don't want to bother you

R: Don't worry, you don't bother us, you're always welcomed

Everyone went outside and headed to car.

J: You are free to go home Daniel.

James turned and looked at him. Daniel nodded and motioned for James to slow down and approach alone.

J: What's wrong?

D: Listen to me James, while you were talking at the hospital, I sent Toby those bank accounts and he checked them. It looks like it's a big gang that's even in our town. I don't have all the information yet. I'm worried about leaving you alone. That's why I'm coming with you, we have to be very careful and ready for anything. I'm very worried about what's going to happen next

J: I'm worried too.

D: James I'm not so worried for Chester, but for you and Ray.

J: What? What do you mean you're not so worried about him? He's also part of our family.

D: Maybe part of your family but not mine, we're still not sure what exactly happened. Maybe Chester is involved in all this. I don't want to risk anything happening to you either.

James sighed and looked at Chester talking to Ray and then to Daniel.

J: It's only one night Daniel someone needs to give him a little support, he has no one but us. Its sad to watch him ,everything he went through. I know him well and I don't believe he would ever did something bad, he's just a seventeen-year-old boy give him at least one chance.

D: If you insist.

They went to James car and took out the keys and started the car, they all sat in silence until they arrived home. They all went inside together, Chester was the last before entering the house he turned and looked at the sun.

R: Come on in.

Ray gently rested his hand on Chester's shoulder.

C: Have you ever wondered why we live? We're all the same, we all have some problems some more some less. But in the end we all go to the same hole,  no matter what you are and who you are.

Ray was amazed at what Chester said.

R: Umm I don't think I understood you very well what you were trying to say, so unfortunately I can't answer that question.

Chester closed the door and headed upstairs to the room.

R: Won't you join us for a meal?

Ray shouted.

C: No

Chester turned briefly and continued walking and entered Ray's room, sitting on the bed.

C: I need to find out what happened and how my father got into such bad things to do. Who are these people And what did they want, did my father have anything with him so they came to get it? Max's been suspicious lately, and this doctor at the hospital has been acting really weird. Why is all this in my head why can't I just live my life in peace without problems? I have this weird feeling that I want to kill someone. But why do I even want to do all this for my father who may not even love me? But something deep inside I feel like I have to do this.

Chester was talking to himself so he got out of bed and looked out the window, at that moment Ray entered the room.

R: Hey Chester, would you come and keep me a little company on afternoon walking?

Chester looked at him and nodded, went after him outside.