The teacher stood before us and introduced himself.
"My name is Darwin Brown, and I will take you through your Nursery Class." He wrote the word Nursery and continued, "We call this class a nursery because from here you will begin to understand yourself as a Superhuman and how to improve your abilities. Not only that, we will show you what meaning your life has."
"Even though we were kidnapped here against our will!! How are you going to show us the meaning of our life?"
That was not me! But to me, it sounded as if my mind went out loud.
It was one of the girls. Her voice contained a hint of anger. The class gaped at her. No one thought that someone could boldly ask this question, after all the phases one has been through.
I certainly was not expecting it. At first, I myself have asked and even insulted the attendants and doctors. Calling them names for kidnapping me. But they always ignore it. And if I asked questions, they ignored it.
I only started having a normal interaction with them after three months, that was when I stopped throwing tantrums.
"Good question!" I said out loud. I really saw her shoulder slope down after I said that. She must be stressed out but with me joining, she relaxed.
Some gaped at me too as they did to her before looking away.
The teacher, Darwin Brown, adjusts his suit. He pressed a button under the whiteboard, and the screen lit on the board.
"I started my introduction wrongly. So allow me to discuss some sensitive information regarding our world today!"
Various pictures of different people appeared on the board and the screen of our table. Most of them are children, about the age of 18 to 26. Beneath each picture, there was a flag that indicated their Nationality.
"There are about 10,000 people around the globe that go missing within just two years! This is an underwhelming number compared to the world population.
But they aren't regular people. They have special abilities like you.
To understand me you should know in the world today, there are only twenty to thirty-thousand people that are Superhuman!!!"
He walked down the podium. And stood before us.
"Most of the ten thousand Superhumans were confirmed dead. Some were confirmed to have become zombies.
Yes, zombies! Their mind has been altered through brainwashing, science and other means to serve their new masters as robots with no free will."
"What I am trying to say is, either we 'The Antarctica Floating White Ice' or other Organization take you in. Or kidnapped you as you might put it." He waited for us to digest.
"Currently in our world, Earth, there are five major powerful organizations that hunt any person with ability. And trust me, it doesn't matter who you are as long they get a chance they will take you."
He sighs, "We 'TAFWI' is one of them, and unfortunately we are at war with each other."
I never knew the name of the facility until now. And from what he insinuates, we are not safe anywhere but with one of the five.
"The structure of these organizations is complicated, but here in TAFWI are sponsored by some of the most powerful and rich men, alongside some countries that we seem to trust, and they trust us.
Some countries give us permission to investigate and take any superhuman we find. Not because they don't want you, but they want us to train you and educate you. And return you when you can protect yourselves and your countries."
"I won't say any country name. But subsequent phases, you might know if your country is included.
Some countries don't want our intervention as such we work secret and kidnapped potential Superhumans
True, some of you are brought this way!"
"As for our major activities are research on the following
1 The nature of special abilities.
2 The origin.
3 How it works.
4. How can it be used to improve our understanding of the Universe and Laws.
5 Last not the least, how can we guard against it.
Grabbing the above-mentioned goals, we then can use the Abilities to further develop our Technological advancement."
He drank some water.
"But to achieve the above goal, we adhere to one principle: we should not directly cripple or kill our subject in our experiments.
And there are even some experiments that require the consent of the subject before we can carry it out."
"Unlike other Organization that do whatever they want as long as it is for the pursuit of knowledge.
You remember when I said some Superhumans have become zombies. It was the doing of one of the Organization."
"There is another organization that found a way to transfer Superhuman ability from the owner to another person.
For example, If I do not have any ability, and I'm rich or someone influential. I can commission a fire ability.
The organization will take the commission and hunt a fire user. They will extract what makes him have fire ability and transfer it to me! And that will make me have fire ability."
We all gasp!!!
While he was speaking, he was moving from one place to another. A typical teacher type.
"We neither steal your ability nor turn you into Zombies. In fact, there are people around the world that seek us to bring their relatives if they possess an ability. So that, we protect them from the mad hunt happening." He takes a deep breath.
"You have no idea how fortunate you are to be here. And that, you will understand gradually if you return to your countries."
I don't know why but no one gets bored or breaks his attention away from Darwin Brown explanation. Each one of us is eager to know more.
In the end, we all relaxed having various thoughts. I have a blind trust in my father, believing he has something cooked up to protect me if I return home. But if half of what I hear today was true then things aren't easy.
It may be left on my shoulder to protect myself and not bother Father!!!