C 32. Nanotechnology

"The liquid is in concentrated form but despite that, your blood was able to digest it and negate the liquid pressure.

The liquid is a Nanoparticles cluster, and as they are now, they can use the natural current causing through the human body to recharge themselves. For now, we remove its ability of division by becoming smaller than a cell.

By now you can realize we solve the issue of the nano shutting down in the body, but what we really want to achieve is for the body to accept it." He said.

He moved close to the circular glass and touched it. The portion where he touched bulge, melted and mould to screen showcasing keyboard.

He tapped some things before a hologram of me appeared. The hologram served as a guide that the coiled tube in the circular glass followed, and they started to morph to me.

A few minutes later a transparent person that looked exactly like me stood in the circular glass. The notable thing is that the veins and arteries are very visible because of the blood flowing through them.

The heart is pumping the blood but after the blood flow reached certain nods in the body, it thickened.

The overall flow of the blood slows after reaching the nods but a few seconds later it continues flowing smoothly.

In no time the nano liquids finished and the blood continued flowing smoothingly. The written info on the observation screen indicated that the simulation is 98% accurate.

"This percentage means theoretically accurate, even if we pump the same amount of nanoparticles in you the result is your body will accept it.

But, the things about science as of now are not perfect, the more we delve into the human body the more ignorant we are. New things are found every blessing day.

That is to say, we can only be sure what will happen to you after using you as the direct subject."

He gazed at me wondering if I understood his science jargon.

I kept silent for some time before I said, "What exactly are the nanoparticles doing in the human body? You see I was raised in a good moral inducing family, which means my moral values are pretty high.

I don't want to help a certain discovery where people are going to get hurt."

He was taken aback by my question but there was a relief on his face.

"There are only three program actions of the nanoparticles.

1 Constant scan of the body

2 Sending the scanned image to ACNS

3 Helping antibodies

This is the major program. In the field of medicine, it was a great improvement, this tech will eliminate all harmful medical practices, like X Rays, gamma-ray, Surgery, and even the use of some drugs.

With the nanoparticles, certain diseases can easily be eliminated, tackled before getting worth such cancer and other troublesome viral diseases."

"What is ACNS?"

"Artificial Central Nervous System."

He left me to ponder for a bit before he continued, "That was a fraction of what it can do, the more important work of it is that it gives us constant information of the human body and its functions.

That will enable us to crack human code more on how we as a human can evolve more and more beyond our current capability.

The brain, the most complicated organ in existence, can be studied in depth to know more. Look the benefits of this piece of tech has endless possibilities."

His voice was high-pitched full of excitement as if he saw success at the tip of his fingers. Later he calmed down a bit.

"But there are a lot of negative sides to it. The nanoparticles are tech that can be controlled, there is a possibility of hacking, viruses, and all other things.

Though we plan to make it unique to individuals with enough coding that will last a lifetime, you know humans, there will always be a way to bypass security.

Other things are if an AI gains consciousness it may use it to take over the world!"

I looked at him incredulously, he laughed at my ignorance before explaining more.

"In terms of Biology improvement, Cloning and these nanoparticles are at the peak of science.

In ICT computer development, a realistic AI is at its peak. As of now, AI is being improved to have logic, emotions. It's made to be as realistic as living things. Hehe, it's not just human AI, but there are dog AI, lion AI, etc.

All these AI's are being developed to a certain extent to mimic the life form manners, behaviours and their natural built-in instinct.

As we speak here there are countries that replace Police dogs with AI Police dogs."


He takes a deep breath and sighs. "The world is changing fast. Other fields of science have their pinnacle of inventions that are being improved that will bring the world a drastic change beyond normal human comprehension."

"What about weapons? What is its pinnacle?" I asked?

He smark and grimaces, "In science, all weapons are useless now because there are individuals that no Nuke that the world is proud of for a century can scratch."

He laughed a hysterical laugh filled with fear. "Two things usher in the rapid development of technology." He pointed two fingers at me.

"One, the advent of superhumans." He said by pointing at me, then to him and the other lady.

"Two, fear of superhumans. The strongest man currently known is a person that can manifest a tiny sun the size of a grain, but that was a hundred times the power of a Nuke." He said with a trembling voice.


I hope he is not under the control of any country or else things will be bad!

"That kind of power should have a massive side effect!" I said looking at him.

"True, but if he can control it and pass the phases of development he will wield the power as if wielding his arms."

We all were silently digesting before he said to me, "The nanoparticles I told you about are the water down version of this one. Hahaha, that type of nanoparticles I created thirty years ago. And as we speak some advanced hospitals are using it to cure diseases and ailments.

This one, however, is far beyond that. It can do what the other versions do a hundredfold and more.

Because this one, if successful, will connect directly to the CNS, do you know why I slowed down the experiment until now?"

He looked at me with a crazy feverish smile!

