C 71. Another Colour Of Energy

//Sector 7, Natural Garden. Susan POV\\

Normal activities resume, while I take my time to learn more about my new understanding of my ability.

As for subject 3519, otherwise known as the Great Sage, he gets a lot of visitors.

Director Khan made me ask him if he is willing to help other people understand their abilities.

At first, he said he is not willing to but with my insistence, he gave in and agreed.

The idea is simple, a person will enter into the garden and demonstrate his ability if there is anything he wants to comment on that will aid the person then he will comment.

Today is the first day, and I don't know why I was asked to stay at the Garden View to watch, not with the Subject in the garden.

If I am ever needed, I will be called.

Nevertheless, I'm angry about it, as I'm responsible for the Subject I should be there in all this endeavour. 

Yet, I try to console myself saying that maybe they are trying to see if he will open up to anyone that is not me.

If I didn't know better I will say that they want to get rid of me and bring someone.

However, I know my ability is unique and also despite the bad blood between me and Director Khan, I'm still his most trusted worker.

Or that is what I like to think.

The people enter, two of them both are Sector 7 guards. 

One has the ability to emit light from his skin. The light is said to be Sacred and it can pass through objects if he wants to.

The other has Transformation ability, a very rare ability that allows the user to envelop his entire body with energy and then assume any creature he studied before.

As of now, he has studied the Morphology and Physiology of Tiger and Gorilla and by default, he can transform into any one of them.

The light skin guard walked directly to Subject 3519 and asked, "You said that I may irritate them if I'm too bright, what do you mean?"

With that question alone, Director Khan told everyone to leave. 

There were around eight people. Dr Bob, Head Science, Dr meevrr, and the rest are guards and each of them has an ability.

They also want to see if the Subject can help them.

After sending the guards out, he asked Dr Bob, and Dr mwever too to leave too. Only me and Head Science were left.

"Why did you call me?" An ethereal voice sounded with the Garden View room.

"I want you to watch this. Susan, I want you to leave too." Director Khan said.

"Okay," I said. Maybe it involves something secret.

I turned around to leave when I heard him say, "Come back."

"Okay," I come back like some kind of robot. 

It doesn't matter. I know it was not always that I will be involved in their experiments. 

Though by rule I should be involved in any case involving Subject 3519, nevertheless, Director Khan is the boss.

I stood by the Garden View and the sound that was off for me returned. 

Yes, the moment he said leave the room I stopped hearing and seeing what was inside the garden.

And now everything has returned.

"Listen, the girl wasn't there when you said it. And the reason I want to meet you is there were instances that I heard irritating whispers. 

I think you know something about the whispers. My question is, am I being targeted by something?" The light soldier said. 

My tablet flashed with a message when I checked, it was complete information about the soldier.

Name: George Franklin

Ability: Living Light Bulb 

Marital status: Married

Occupation: Sector 7 level 3 Guard… etc

I tapped on his ability and it showed me detailed information.


This ability allows the user's body to emit light from various parts of his body. 

The most notable part is the skin, but at later stages, every organ of the body can absorb light from the sun and emit it with no side effects to the person.


This is where the user-activated all his organs of his entire body and made them emit light. 

That light will pass through solid objects and brighten everywhere and form a domain

The size of the domain is 10000m².



One week of body weakness.


Finishing reading the summary while also listening to George talk to Subject 3529. 

But the Subject outright ignores him.

In the end, he turned around and left the garden. The other soldier that can transform into a tiger stayed behind and asked some questions.

"They say you can help with advice." 

Saying that he removed his shirt and energy began to radiate from his body.

A second later a giant Tiger stood in the garden gazing at the Subject. 

Not surprisingly the Subject was looking at him with curiosity. He seems intrigued at what stood before him.

"Green?" He said with a puzzled expression.

The tiger stepped forward, Director Khan quickly said, "Are you in control?"

The Tiger looked toward us and nodded. By the time the Tiger was very close to Subject 3519, it stopped.

I believe the Tiger is roughly two and half meters tall on its four legs. The Subject was like a small rabbit before the Tiger. 

After subject 3519 scrutinised the Tiger, he smiled and said, "A very rare specimen. And also a good transformation but, you are emitting a smell of rotten flesh."

You should get a fresh body that dies within seconds to observe and then mimic it!" The Subject lost interest and turned around.

The Tiger then stood on its two hind legs. Its body contorts and becomes bipedal.

His forelimbs stretched and became like human arms, the toes transformed into fingers with long claws. 

His body shifted and it became a humanoid Tiger.

His size was enormous, as tall as four meters, his muscle bulge oozing with strength and power.

I might be behind glass but I can feel my instincts screaming danger. 

Something grips my throat as if one move my body will be ravaged by the beast!

It was then I felt a light tap on my shoulder.