C 81. Internal Sight

//Sector 7, Natural Forest View, MC POV\\

Miss Susan produces a distance between us, that is for the best.

With each breath, my attention to the outside world is reducing and my attention to my body is increasing.

Gradually, my external senses were off, and then I was a bit overwhelmed by my heartbeat and also the lack of connection to the outside world.

I'm in a dark room devoid of light, teste, feelings, and the only sound was my heartbeat.

At some point, I felt I have been to somewhere that gives these feelings, then I sense a flow of something.

I listened more, and every time the heart beat there was an increase in the flow of water or a thick liquid.

I smiled mentally, that was the flow of my body. I can listen to it.

It is down to me that I, Balarabe Shabbar is but an idiot.

I should have been on a journey to learn more about myself and the mystery behind me. 

Why is my dream always a nightmare? Why do my eyes see things that I can't explain? 

But some understanding always came along with what I saw.

If before I dedicated my training to learning everything I can about my travelling Fluid, then now it's for my utmost importance to learn more about my eyes.

I calm my mind and open my eyes, in fear of being lost in the darkness. Everything has to be treated one step at a time.

As I open my eyes, the garden becomes new to me. Things that I'm not seeing, now I'm with clarity. 

There are a lot of birds that usually rest on twigs or branches but they always face me and animals one way or the other their attention is on me.

It was said that the Great Sage dwells with them!

I stand and walk toward the pond, a hundred meters away from my little hut. Along the way, I removed my shirt, then my trousers when I stood before the pond.

Though I'm not naked, I still have my shorts on.

I jumped into the pond, as the cold water enveloped me, I off my senses. The idea is the water will serve to wake me up in case I was lost in darkness.

To my surprise, what awaits me is the sound of my heart, the flow of my blood, and also a bit of light that shows some of my internal structure.

I… have an internal sight. I can now view my internal body if I shut off the external senses.

Low oxygen forces me to wake. I swam up and I found Susan standing by the edge looking at me

"5:40 minute," She said.

"Is that world record?" I asked.

"You did great in your standard. But I can go for half an hour." She flexes. 

"Hmm, I believe you have trained yourself!"

"Nope… Dr khan requested our presence, he said they are willing to do what you suggested."

"That for the better!" I said elatedly. 

Then I paused wondering, what was the basis of my confidence?

Why do I believe what I said is the only solution after all other options said otherwise?

Is this clairvoyant?

If so, how does it work?

Calm yourself! 

Most of the time I was driven by instinct and some unknown understanding that has no basis.

To tackle it, I need to always have a clear head.

The trip to where we were wanted was uneventful. 

I complained that I'm hungry, and she gave me milk and some biscuits. Along the way, I started eating.

It's when I have a vision of my body, I am aware of how badly my body needs nutrition. 

Also, the use of my eyes power to look at that little tiger doesn't just cause me headaches it also gives me extreme fatigue.

I believe my eyes use energy from my whole body to power themselves. So at all times, I need to be well-fed with a well-balanced diet.

We reach a large white hall. The hall has one couch and a table before it, facing a giant glass.

It was when I was close to it that I saw the glass was perhaps a Giant Screen.

My milk and the biscuits get finished but Miss Susan places ten large pieces of wrapped cake. 

Another bottle of milk was placed alongside them.

Yep, I am wondering what will happen next!

The screen lit and a view of a forest came alive. There is no sound, but evidence of wind blowing, and birds flying, some movement within the lush if trees can be seen.

In an opening place about half a hectare, occupied by short grasses, a man was laid there, barely breathing. 

From the completion of his body, he seems to lack blood!

"That is Captain Leroy Vincent. He is placed there in the middle of the forest as you have asked… by the..!"

"I saw it!" 

She was trying to explain to me that on the left side of the screen, numbers and images showing the status of his heart activity, brain activity, his body condition, and the rate of pulses. 

And at the bottom of all that a summary of what will happen in the next minute if he did not receive special care.

The right side shows the wind movement, the type of grass he was on, the insects and animals that are in the vicinity.

I looked at all the data and looked at him. 

He was breathing with effort, on his face, there was a sign of worry and pain.

From time to time his hands twitch and his eyes flurry open and close. Sometimes he shows some effort to move but he can't.

By normal standards, I will feel sad for him. I will want to help him get out of the pain he was in. But strangely I felt a build of excitement within me.

Like a masochist enjoying the suffering of others. 

No, the actual feeling I get is that this is a process of achieving greatness.

What I'm perceiving is like watching a soldier training a brutal training, but it was necessary for his journey.


This is confusing. How did I know all this?

It's as if things are being put in my mind and I interpret them like that. 

One thing I know is no one is perfect! 

Everyone is faulty and can make mistakes.

What if he died, am I safe? 

Perhaps Dr Khan may overlook it because I'm essential for his experiment!