C 108. Mind And Body Calm

Hours later, I woke up. I did my usual routine, and grabbed the book to continue reading.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Alan," I said.

"You look tired." 

"Yes, I've been busy!" I answered.

"In three hours, Master Arshten will come."

"Who is that?"

"He was the one that invented the Heart Engine," Alan said with a smile.

My thoughts sped up and I cursed! Why didn't I read about Heart Engine first?

I quickly checked the amount of explanation and motion pictures that the Heart engine has, I was stumped.

It has a higher volume than the other technique. 

It started with the heart, then bloodstreams, every one of them. 

The damn blood itself was explained. It explains changes that may happen depending on the Blood Group and Blood Genotype. 

The amount of iron in the blood affects the outcome of the technique.