C 132. The Difference!!!

This place is still Heaven as I speculated, to us denizens of Black Space, of course. Here, the Fiery Stones give protection to the Small Stones circulating it.

And also some of those Small Stones are Planets that contain life in them. The Planets also protect life in them. In essence, there is a massive Order that prevents Chaos from happening.

Even Chaos Beasts that roam in the Starry Sky from my vision. It was in constant movement, avoiding to linger in a Star System for even a twinkling.

Because if it did, its presence will invoke the Star to flare and it may be scorched or even be injured.

The Stars might just be a Massive Stone on fire but the fire is Primordial containing both Life and Destruction. 

It just depends on what part of the plane one is, to experience the type of light, heat or glare of the Star.

This is vastly different from Black Space. Firstly, the space itself is Black. Light cannot pass through easily.