C 135. Mystical Veil

I called it Planet because it contains its life form just like every fauna on earth has bacteria and fungus on its body, some are beneficial and some are not.

Ten Eye Planet on the other hand was a creature that was able to nurture those lifeforms on its body to possess a semblance of sentience. And if people like this woman appear on its body it is happy, as they engage in a form of mental contest.

It has one thing that I myself couldn't understand but took a glimpse at. 

It was able to evade all sight directed at it!

It can fake itself to be in one place but it was in another!

It can project itself anywhere its senses reach. And one prominent thing is it grows the more knowledge it has. 

The moment it senses something that is not within its memory bank it will begin searching, unhindered by space and time.

That was how it carved its way to a Nightmare Plane.