"I'm impressed, you managed to use spiritual energy while it's impossible to manipulate it without aid.
But considering you have a Vision Guide, I believe those eyes have been feeding you things that will help improve, even if you don't understand most of it!"
A soothing voice said besides the bed I was lying on.
"Good morning," I whispered. While I began to wonder if Spiritual Energy can't be manipulated, then how the hell did I do it?
"So, did you find the reason why you can use it?" She asked in a teasing tone.
"Hmm," I answered.
"Before I leave I want to know how you feel?" She asked again.
How do I feel? I feel weak and can't even open my eyes properly, let alone move my fingers.
I can't move any part of me.
The only thing that is moving with zeal is my heart. Unfortunately, even that makes me feel as if my blood vessels will burst open due to how blood pressure is within.