//New Environment, New POV\\
One hundred and one BlueCraft Wave Cadets stood in line, waiting for the unexpected figure that will grace us today. We were supposed to be filled with happiness and devotion, but the alarming secrets I learned from my mother, doused all that.
Making me have nightmares about our possible future!
How are we going to live if the disaster comes to pass? We may be slaves to certain factions and they will explore us the way they like. As we are one of the first Chosen Ones.
I sighed and silently prayed!
A lot of thoughts came and went randomly due to my anxiety, then I felt something. I rapidly raised my head and stood erect in line among my sisters. We all calmed our expression.
A custom of our Great Clan to show utmost respect to our Progenitor. The sole person that raised us and protected us with his might. A person we drive our Blue Craft from!