The pain in his head lasted like an eternity to him, and he painted without knowing what was happening around him. In what seems like two days he slit his eyes open.

His sight was greeted with dried sand, and up and down of the Island that was being swayed by the body of water the Island was on.

Isaac thought he would have a severe headache but to his surprise he found himself refreshed. He can think more clearly and understand things better. He managed to sit on the sand and looked around. 

He was now on a relatively bigger Island than he was on before. He looked around and judged this Island to have a diameter of 5 meters. He smiled at the discovery as he can lie and walk around with less fear of tumbling the island due to his weight.

He stood and came to the edge of the island and he saw that the island did not even register his weight now that he was at the edge. He jumped to confirm his theory that this island doesn't register his weight at all.