It is a forest. With tall trees, short grasses, and uneven land. The trees are at least a thousand claws. With fewer branches at the very top.
Gaksgsh jsgs Jesus and life expectation of humans behaviour
Human resources and livestocm in nogetai.
I take a deep breath, throw away any thoughts. From my field of view, I was able to identify some edible plants, seeds on the soil, and also a scent to where I can find water.
It's a good experience. This is the first time I am doing it alone without Iya's guidance. So, I commence picking what is edible to my senses, using my beak.
They tasted bland but some were sweat, especially some fruits, I found on a particular shrub.
It looks like being alone is not a bad thing, after all. As long as I am careful, it will be alright.
When it is sunset, I check a good position from the shrubs that have thorns and hide. In case some beast ambushes me, the thorn will deter it.