Chapter 2-King's Cross Station



"Troll?" Elias inquired, aghast with confusion.

"Yes, you're a T-R-O-L-L." Casper spelled out, a sly smile creeping onto his usually quite impassive face. "W-why am I a f*cking troll"?

"Because trolls are stupid. Honestly, the faces that you make are the exact faces a troll would make. How did you even get accepted into the Academy when you don't even know that you are a troll?" Casper inquired, feigning confusion and shock. "Well I'm not a mirror." Elias retorted with a snort, hurriedly trying to cover it up with a dry cough.

Insults were traded one after the other as the two strolled through the city till they reached King's Cross Station. Now most would believe that living in London is a dream come true. So much history, was once the capital of the strongest empire but aside from that, there is nothing extremely brilliant about London.

There is always the dull roar of cars and lorries zooming across the roads. Then there is that annoying beeping of traffic lights to signify that pedestrians can cross. Sometimes you have cars honking when a person rushes across the road and said person doesn't apologise. People are always rushing about, bumping into each other and not apologising. Everybody wears dull clothes, everybody has a sour expression on them, there are quite a lot of people without homes you see begging on the streets for some body that people won't give. It is actually appalling how dirty and grimy the inner city is.

King's Cross station was only a 20-minute walk away for Casper and Elias but to the two boys that were almost men it felt like hours and hours in each other's company. Eventually they grew quite tired throwing around insults that they fell into silence. It wasn't a comfortable silence but at least you didn't hear them from a mile away shouting at each other. is debatable.

If they aren't speaking to each other they are glaring and making all other sorts of faces which a lot of people find silly and childish. However, if the glare is accidentally misdirected the person on the receiving end might end up having a heart attack. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration but you would at least feel somewhat panicked and shaken.

When King's cross station came into view the faces of the two immediately lightened up, eyes sparkling and shining with joy. When the two realised they were still in each other's presence the two boys immediately dropped their ecstatic faces, returning them to a scowl and a sneer that could curdle dairy. Out of the two, Casper was by far the more antisocial one and he didn't hesitate to show it with that sneer that could set a child crying with only a glimpse. However, their small but intense staring match was cut short when somebody pushed Elias who fell and in turn Casper fell and so the two ended up on the floor, Elias on top of Casper who was groaning a bit in pain under him.

"Ashley!" grumbled Elias, head lying on Casper's chest. In return he only got a girlish giggle and then the snap of a phone taking a picture. That certainly motivated Elias to climb off Casper for he was suddenly looking over the short girl that was laughing herself senseless. She was clutching her stomach, bent over double as she wheezed and laughed, eyes nothing more but small lines with a mischievous glint still visible within them.

"Ashley." Casper whined as he pushed himself off the floor. "Please delete that photo." but she kept on giggling. "Please." but she just shook her head, tears streaming down her face now. "Ashley!" but she was uncontrollable, rolling on the floor and slamming her fists on it, phone still in hand. It was a miracle it hadn't broken yet.

"Ashley..."Elias tried again but Casper shook his head and for once, Elias obeyed with no questioning. Tiptoeing as quietly as they could they slowly made their way through the crowd, leaving their female friend on the floor cackling like a banshee. Let's just say she was not at all pleased to firstly find herself on her own and secondly, late for the train!

"CASPER! ELIAS!" she roared, charging through the crowd as if she was a bull, nostrils flared with actual steam coming out of them. "GET BACK HERE YOU MOTHERF*CKING MONKEYS!" but instead, they did quite the opposite and ran the last bit of the distance to the train, turning back to stick their tongues out at a fuming Ashley as soon as they got on it safely. Another screech and she was there in a flash, glaring at the two boys that were laughing their faces off. "I hope they become headless!" Ashley said not too quietly, earning more guffaws from the two boys that were now down on the floor, clutching their stomachs as they laughed and laughed, tears now streaming down their equally pale faces.


"You should've seen your face! It was absolutely priceless!" Elias cackled, doing a horrible imitation of Ashely's distraught face. "I know! It was hilarious! Honestly I wonder how you will be able to find your man if so many people saw you like that!" Casper snickered, earning chuckles from Elias and before they knew it the two boys were once again on the floor, pounding their fists against whatever was available.

"Shut up will you?" Ashley grumbled, bottom lip stuck out in an angry pout. "This is bullying!" but it only caused them to laugh harder. "Oh my god! How annoying can you two be? Are you like the devil's twin sons?" but at that all the joy and happiness disappeared as the two boys realised what they were doing. They were...laughing! They were having fun together! They weren't spitting insults at each other! They weren't being mean! A ferocious glare and the two clambered onto their seats on either side of the carriage, refusing to have any sort of contact even if it was a brief connection of the eyes.

"I shouldn't have said anything"


So second chapter done. Sorry that i deleted the last parts but it was all happening too fast! I didn't like it because in the original handwritten version it was slightly more gradual but still short. Initially, this would've been a very short story but i am planning to make it slightly longer than it was, hoping that i can make it a lot more dramatic and heart clenching. However, i lack experience with relationships so i apologise in advance if they are not up to par. I can only write what i have read about it from other authors on here so please bear with me.
