Condemnation Event Part 7

"Hold it right there! You vile woman!" 

Malaya glanced up. 'So it's finally time,' a grin formed on her beautiful face.

The crown prince of the empire of Hacien, Prince Aadel Krazeri as he descended from the long staircase in the middle of the hall, shouted. His face was full of fury, looking at her. His shout echoed everywhere, making everyone halt what they were doing. Even the music that was playing in the Grand hall stopped. 

'What a grandiose greeting remark for me.' Malaya remarked sarcastically in her mind. She maintained her composure and smile as she glanced at the crowd that had now all their attention on her. 

Their stares vary. Some looked at her with disdain, scoffed and some seemed amused thinking that they were definitely going to watch a show they would never forget. 'Well, yeah, it will truly be something they won't be able to forget.'