ELEVEN: The Emperor's Subordinates

"Don't touch her," an angry growl demanded, causing both Kel and the man clutching her hand to flinch.

"Ah, pardon me, Your Highness," the man replied sheepishly. He scratched the back of his head and bowed, dropping Kel's hand.

He spent a few moments glancing between the emperor's glare and Kel's confusion before speaking up again. "I am Thane, His Majesty's sword."

"I am Princess Adriell of Mevani," Kel responded, dipping her head respectfully. She felt a sting in her chest as she spoke and was acutely reminded of last night's conversation with Dash. In less than 24 hours, names that were so dear to her had become painful to even say aloud.

"You're already well-known around here, Princess," Thane grinned.

A warning grunt from the emperor silenced them both before Kel could reply. They proceeded on toward the main palace, Thane tagging along as an escort. Before long, the knight was chattering happily, paying no heed to his master's dissatisfaction.

Kel didn't mind the conversation. Thane's big smile and easygoing attitude was a welcome contrast to the Dragon Emperor's intimidating aura.

The group entered the palace through a side entrance. The palace's interior wasn't particularly lavish, but the high ceilings and massive windows gave it an air of grandiose. Countless workers, scholars and knights swarmed through the large halls, all of them pausing to bow as their emperor passed by.

A few curious gazes lingered on Kel, but most people paid her no attention. She found it interesting, considering the unfavorable image she had in her mind of the Serin people.

Compared to the hostile Serin soldiers she'd met so far, the people in the capital seemed almost friendly. Perhaps she had been too biased when she assumed everyone in the empire was vulgar and cruel-spirited.

The emperor led them out of the maze-like grand halls to a dimly lit wing of the palace. At one point, another man with a uniform and sword approached them and pulled Thane aside. The two conversed in hushed voices before bowing and excusing themselves.

Kel now found herself alone again, trudging behind the emperor.

After Thane left, the man hadn't turned back once nor spoken a single word. Kel wondered if he had forgotten about her entirely. Was there somewhere she had been supposed to go, and she missed it somehow? Or wha-


Kel jumped back, rubbing her nose. She'd been too busy with her own thoughts to notice the emperor's sudden stop. Though the man wasn't wearing any armor, the back she'd just rammed into felt as hard as stone.

The emperor turned slowly to face her, using his body to prop the door he had just opened. He met Kel's eyes with an expectant look.

"Well?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Was he waiting an apology? Although Kel hadn't been paying attention, surely the emperor was also at fault for stopping so abruptly without warning.

"Um, please forgive me, Your Highness," Kel muttered, bowing halfheartedly, "For running into you."

The emperor made a small coughing sound in response, and quickly brought a hand to his lips.

"I accept your apology," he said after clearing his throat. "Now, would you please go through the door?"

"Ah, the door!" Kel suddenly felt embarrassed at the misunderstanding and shuffled hastily past the man.

Unlike the dim corridors, the room was bright thanks to a few large windows. There was a small sitting area in the middle of the room with two ornate wooden desks, each piled with stacks of paper, on the outskirts.

A man with neatly tied silver hair and thin-framed spectacles rose from behind one of the desks as Kel entered the room.

"Your Majesty," he greeted as the emperor closed the door behind them.

"Ira," the emperor remarked, waving the spectacled man over.

With a nearly indiscernible eye roll, the man called Ira stepped out from behind the towering stacks of documents and approached the newcomers.

"What is it, Your Majesty?" he asked, making little effort to conceal his irritation.

The emperor gestured to Kel, and Ira's gaze followed.

"Oh my! Is this the little Mevani rodent?" Ira snorted as if he was noticing her presence for the first time.

"She's Mevani's princess," the emperor corrected, his voice deepening.

"I can see that," Ira retorted, "but what do you want me to do about it?"

Unlike the other palace workers, this man made clear his distaste for Kel. She felt a surge of resentment at his belligerent behavior. How dare this glasses-wearing office nerd look down on her? She could beat him in a fight with one hand behind her back.

"She needs new dresses," the emperor remarked, interrupting the hatred sparking between Kel and Ira.

"What?" Ira seemed genuinely dumbfounded at the emperor's words.

"You heard me. Order her dresses that will suit her taste." The emperor explained calmly, ignoring his subordinate's annoyance.

Ira gaped at the emperor for a few seconds before letting out a sigh.

"That is… not my job," he grumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"Then whose job is it?"

"Whoever is in charge of the west building."

"And who is that?"

"Whoever the head maid assigned! Do you honestly think I have the room in my head to fill with these trifling details?!" Ira huffed. His patience had completely vanished.

"If not you, then should your emperor be doing it instead?" The emperor replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Your Majesty," Ira hissed through his clenched teeth. The outlines of purple veins were beginning to stand out against his red forehead. "I will be sure to take care of this woman's dresses."

Just as he finished speaking, the door creaked open and a familiar strawberry-blonde mop bounced into the room.

"Sir," Thane kneeled, crossing one fist across his chest, "we've received news about the Yellow Marguerite."

The emperor's pleased expression about Ira's compliance fell at Thane's message.

"Lead the way," he ordered causing Thane to jump to his feet. "I trust you'll take care of this matter then," he nodded to Ira.

"Princess," Thane added softly, giving Kel a bow before escorting the emperor out of the room.

Thane, Kel thought to herself as she watched them leave, why do you keep leaving me in the most awkward situations?

She glanced nervously at Ira, who stood like a statue, glaring at the door.

"I'm sorry about the dr-" Kel began, cringing at the tension.

"Do not even say the word dresses around me," Ira growled. He glowered at Kel through his slightly crooked spectacles before returning to his desk.

Soon, the room was filled with the sound of Ira's quill scratching against parchment as he worked furiously.

Kel was unsure what to do with herself, so she sat down on the comfy-looking sofa in the sitting area. After listening to Ira write for several minutes, she decided to break the silence with a little small talk.

"So you're the emperor's… secretary?" she asked.

The scratching of Ira's pen stopped.

"Did you just say secretary?"