TWENTY SIX: The Hostage and the Traitor

"Your Majesty," Kel bowed elegantly as Thane brought her to a halt in front of the emperor.

"Princess," the emperor smiled.

Thane dropped to one knee, crossing his fist against his chest before assuming a position off to the side.

Kel studied the empty spot on the emperor's left side where his consort would usually be placed. After thinking for a few moments, she decided to follow Thane to the right instead. Though there wasn't a designated place for hostage princesses, she figured this was the most appropriate.

After several minutes of standing, Kel had an idea. Perhaps this would be a good time to clarify what exactly was going through the emperor's mind when it came to her. She tiptoed a few steps closer to the emperor until she was sure he could hear her whispering.

"Um, Y-your Highness?" she said quietly.

"Yes?" The emperor didn't take his eyes off the main floor.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"This might not be the right place.." Kel fidgeted with her hands, suddenly thinking of all the more suitable chances she'd had to speak with the man, "but why did you keep me locked in my room for so long?"

The emperor maintained his silent gaze straight in front of him, so Kel continued her awkward babble.

"I mean, it's just that now you're even taking me out personally, so I just-"

"There was a rat in the palace," the emperor abruptly responded.

"Pardon me? A rat?" Kel questioned.

The emperor nodded slowly. "So I took precautions."

"Huh." Kel was unsatisfied with his curt answers but felt she shouldn't ask anything else. Instead, she crept back and returned her attention to the dazzling party surrounding her.

If she had to describe the nobles of the Serin Empire in a word, it would be.. diverse. People of all kinds of ethnicity conversed happily all over the room. In comparison, the traditional look of Mevani's citizens seemed a bit bland.

Out of the many different shapes and colors parading across the floor, one figure in particular caught Kel's eye.

A stocky man with long dark hair was leaning up against one of the far walls. It was difficult to tell for sure, but Kel was almost certain of his identity.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty," she said, turning to the emperor, "may I take my leave?"

This time, the emperor shifted to look at her. With an unreadable smirk, he answered, "Of course, Princess."

She promptly excused herself and rushed back out into the shimmering sea of people. She did her best to stick to the edges, but avoiding the tight clusters of party-goers was nearly impossible.

"Oof!" she grunted as she collided with a blue silk suitcoat.

"Ah, please excuse me," the owner of the eye-catching outfit immediately apologized.

"Excuse me," Kel replied, giving a quick bow before moving past.

After weaving her way through several other bystanders, she finally reached her target.

"Princess," Barclay's deep voice greeted her as she approached.

"Barclay!" she responded enthusiastically, rushing over.

"I trust you've been well, Your Highness," her comrade remarked.

Kel forced herself to keep her smile from taking over her entire face. Barclay finally wasn't avoiding her anymore.

"Pardon me, Miss," a man's voice spoke behind her. "I believe we bumped into each other earlier."

"Oh.. right," Kel began, whirling around to face the unwelcome interruption. "Please forgi- Eh? It's you?"

A man with deep red hair and an unsettling face stood poised with two glasses of champagne in his hands. He smiled and offered one to Kel.

"No thank you," she refused politely. Last time it was that odd paper flower and now it was alcohol. How many times would she have to refuse something offered to her by this man?

"Alright," he smiled, setting the glass down on the tray of a passing maid. "Do you remember me by chance?"

"I didn't see you clearly when we collided," Kel answered, maintaining her fake smile. Her years of experience keeping up a cordial appearance were serving her well.

"I meant before that," the man quipped, taking a step closer. He lowered his voice, adding, "I had no idea you were a foreign princess."

"Ah ha ha ha," Kel giggled robotically, stepping back. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed that Barclay had retreated to a different spot on the wall. It made sense to avoid being seen as too friendly by Serin's people, but did he really have to leave her to fend off this man alone? She'd been put in similar situations several times as the princess's double, but at least Dash had always been there to say-

"Ah, pardon me, Sir, but I believe Her Highness has promised this dance to me."

Yes, something just like that.

"Wait, Dash??" Kel yelped in surprise, realizing her old friend was standing decisively between herself and the creepy red-haired man.

"Of course, of course," the man bowed, throwing Kel one last nauseating grin, "Remember, it's Spencer Regan. I'll be looking for you later."

"Ugh," Kel groaned in disgust as the man walked away.

She gripped the sides of her skirt, ready to give Dash a quick curtsey and make a hasty retreat. Before she could speak, Dash's outstretched hand came into view.

"Shall we?" he bowed, beaming as if it was just another glittering party back in Mevani.

"... Of course," Kel hesitated, finally placing her hand in his.

As they stepped out onto the dance floor, Dash pulled Kel tight against his body. He seemed somewhat thinner than the last time she'd seen him, and his eyes were slightly sunken in. Considering who was the war hostage and the traitor, it seemed their dispositions were mixed up.

"Kel." His breath tickled her ear as he led her gracefully through the dance steps.

She swallowed the bitter saliva pooling in her mouth and frowned, focusing on anything except Dash's face.

"Kel," his warm breath brushed against her skin again. "I miss you, Kel."

"What a funny thing to say," Kel remarked indifferently, still avoiding his eyes. "Considering how you stabbed me in the back."

"I'm sorry," Dash murmured, resting his cheek against hers.

Kel whipped her head away, resisting the urge to kick squarely between his legs. Fear of causing a scene was the only thing holding her back.

"You're sorry?" she scoffed, purposefully landing one of her heeled shoes on top of his toes.

"Mmph!" he gasped.

"Ah, I'm sorry," she mimicked.

Dash's fingers tightened around her own, and his arm stiffened around her waist.

"Just give me some time," he breathed. "Barclay and I, we've come up with a pla-"

Suddenly an ungloved pale hand appeared on his shoulder. Kel followed the long black sleeve attached to the hand up to the all-too-familiar smoldering eyes of the Dragon Emperor. He quickly glanced at Kel before returning his glower to Dash.

"Pardon the intrusion."