FORTY NINE: The Dragon Emperor’s True Face

Kel gulped as the sickening thud of the man's head hitting the floor echoed out into the hallway around her.

At least that guard had received the appearance of due process, unlike his companion who was killed on site. Though, in the end, both guards had died at the Dragon Emperor's sword.

She shuddered, suddenly picturing the bloodchilling look the emperor had given her back there. From the time they met until now, she realized this was the first time she'd seen the Dragon Emperor's true face.

"Is there even a point to these so-called trials?" one man complained as Kel fell in line with the parade of nobles swarming away from the bloodied throne room.

"I'm just grateful it's not me," another responded, rubbing his neck.

"It might be you next time!" a third man joined in. "If you keep selling those cheap mixed-metal candle sticks as deluxe furnishings, that is."

Kel snorted in disbelief as the trio broke into soft chuckles.

How disgusting, she thought.

The very people that yelled their support for the man on trial now laughed carelessly as his head rolled across the floor.

"Ahem!" Ira, who had been walking behind Kel, cleared his throat loudly, alerting the men to the presence of one of the emperor's favored subordinates.

"You know it's true," one of them grumbled quietly as they all stomped out of earshot.

"Do trials usually end this way?" Kel whispered to Roland, who was still clutching her arm.

"Ah!" Suddenly realizing himself, the knight quickly released his grip before answering in a low tone, "Trials are just something to appease the nobles."

"Though I think they'd be more appeased in this case," Ira cut in suddenly, "to see that Mevani soldier executed instead."

"Barclay will be fine now, right?" Kel implored, shaken by Ira's disregard for her friend's life. "When can I go see him?"

"I'm afraid neither of the answers to those questions will please you, Princess," Ira retorted, shifting his glasses farther up his nose bridge.

"Sir," Roland grunted.

"What?" Ira whined. "That man was stabbed by a blade laced with amatoxin. He doesn-"

"Princess! There you are!" Lucy's shrill cry drowned out the rest of Ira's, what Kel assumed to be, grim words.

The maid grasped both of Kel's hands in hers and began dragging her away from Ira and Roland.

"Wait!" Kel protested, jerking one of her arms free. "I wasn't finished!"

As she turned back to the two men, she caught sight of one of the throne room doors creaking open.

The emperor emerged, dragging his sword behind him, with blood splattered all over his chest and face.

"Princess, we need to go!" Lucy cried urgently.

The maid's hands trembled and her voice shook.

She was terrified.

"Ok," Kel finally conceded, following as Lucy practically ran out of the building.

Her pace slowed ever so slightly as they reached the safety of the palace gardens.

"Lucy.." Kel began, wondering which of her many questions she should ask the maid first.

"P-please don't ask me anything, M-miss," Lucy stuttered, refusing to meet Kel's eyes. "I'm just a maid."

"I'm sorry," Kel breathed, reaching out to pat the shivering woman's shoulder.

Lucy flinched out of the way. "Let's go back to your room now.. please."

The maid accompanied Kel back to the west palace, but disappeared after getting her settled into a warm bath, leaving two others in her place.

"Our poor Princess!" one of them pouted, gently scrubbing clumps of filth out of Kel's hair. "You must have had such a rough night. And then immediately getting dragged to the trial without a proper rest!"

"Jenny!!" the other scolded, sliding a washcloth across Kel's feet. "The last thing she needs is for you to remind her! Her friend was the one those soldiers stabbed!"

"I'm just trying to help," the maid called Jenny huffed. "Can't you wash her feet any more softly? You're going to damage the princess's fragile skin!"

"What about you?" the other bickered back. "Are you trying to clean her hair or rip it out?!"

"Why, you!!"

"Um, excuse me," Kel piped up.

"Yes, Princess??" Both women brightened.

"Have either of you heard of amatoxin?" she asked.

"It's the empire's specialty poison," the maid washing her feet explained cheerily. "But why would the Princess ask- gasp!!"

"Have you been threatened?! By the emperor's private guards?!" Jenny exclaimed, brandishing the comb in her hands like a weapon.

Ignoring the two girl's antics, Kel continued, "Can it be cured?"

"That's what makes it so special," Jenny grinned. "It's completely, excruciatingly incurable."

Kel's heart stopped.

"T-that can't be right," she panicked.

"There is a cure, though," the other maid argued. "I heard that the emperor has the antidote locked away, only to be used in very special cases."

"Really?" Jenny gasped. "I thought that was only a rumor."

"It could be," the foot-washing maid shrugged. "I'm just repeating what I heard when I worked near the dungeons."

"So there is an antidote," Kel repeated quietly amidst the maids' jabbering.

If Ira was telling the truth, and Barclay had been poisoned with amatoxin, she needed to find a way to get that cure. No matter what.

Fortunately, her chance to make a grab at the antidote came much sooner than she anticipated.

After being washed, oiled and thoroughly groomed in every way possible, Kel lay in bed, debating whether she should find a way to request the antidote or just sneak out and try to steal it.

How would I even know what it looks like? She pointed out to herself, mentally mapping out possible cure locations within the palace.

As she began considering the alternative, requesting an audience with the emperor, a tapping sound against the window startled her out of her thoughts.


Cautiously, Kel crept to her balcony doors and peeked through the curtains.

A tall silhouette stood directly outside, pressed up against the glass. Kel couldn't quite get a good enough angle to see them clearly, but she surmised that it was most likely a man.

"Who is it?" she called into the darkness.

"... it's me."

Eh? Kel hurriedly unlocked the doors and pulled them open, revealing the emperor standing out on her balcony.

"Ask and you shall receive," she murmured, staring at the tattered-looking man.

"I'm sorry," the emperor whispered, aggressively stepping toward Kel.

Shocked by his sudden charge, Kel fumbled backward until she crashed back onto her bed.

"What! Why!" She yelped, holding her arms up to shield her face as the emperor's figure loomed over her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered again, reaching a quivering pale hand toward her.