FIFTY FOUR: Never Again

Barclay's body went limp immediately after he licked up the poisonous powder.

His hand fell with a thud against his knee, the swatch from Kel's dress floating gently down beside it. 

The rippling white cloth almost resembled a butterfly as it fell, dancing gracefully through the air.

Kel hated it.

Angrily, she snatched the cloth up and began ripping it to shreds.

"How dare you act so carefree when you were the one who caused this!" she screamed.

The material slowly turned crimson from tiny scratches on her hands left by her fingernails during her frenzied shredding.

"You did this!" she yelled again, throwing the bits of bloody cloth onto the ground.

Panting, she turned back to Barclay.

"He doesn't look asleep," she mumbled, gently pushing his eyelids over his darkened pupils.