SEVENTY SEVEN: Ghosts Don’t Scare Me

"What are you doing wandering around so late?!" 

An angry hiss cut through the air as Kel tiptoed through the vacant halls of the palace.

"Me?" She exclaimed, turning around to face the source of the hiss.

A middle-aged woman wearing a maid uniform identical to the one Kel had on was charging toward her.

"And why is your hair done in a top knot like some kind of knight?" the woman berated.

"Oh.. um.." Kel trailed off. "This is just how I sleep, and I was going to get some cleaning supplies."

"Fine, I'll let the hair go since it's already late into the night, but why are you up then if you should be sleeping?" the woman huffed, placing one hand on her hip. 

She held her candle up a little higher, squinting her eyes at Kel. Kel knew it was only a matter of time before the woman realized the girl in front of her wasn't a maid at all.

"Someone threw up!" Kel blurted. "I'm going to clean it up."