NINETY FIVE: Do You Want to be Mine?

"What? G-get rid-"

A knock at the door cut Kel off before she could finish asking what the emperor meant. She whipped her head toward him, panic filling her chest, but he was no longer standing in front of her. 

Huh? She hadn't even seen him move, but suddenly, the emperor was gone. Had he gone back under the bed like he did when Aila came? Or…

Kel glanced around the room nervously. It was probably for the best that she didn't know exactly where the emperor was hiding.

"It's me, Princess." She could hear the smirk in Soren's voice just outside the door. "Aren't you going to let me in?"

"Ah.. come in," Kel answered absently, still scanning the room. 

Get a hold of yourself! She scolded herself, slapping her cheeks as the door opened. You'll give the emperor away if you're like this!

"C-come in," she repeated awkwardly, realizing too late that Soren was already inside.