SEVEN: The Seeds of Rebellion

"We need to start plotting the day of rebellion."

Ira laid a stack of papers on the glossy tea table in front of Calix and Thane.

His ornate capital home had become the official meeting place for the three boys. With his mother gone back to their villa in the countryside and father busy with work, the well-furnished house was the ideal spot for their secret plans.

"Eh? That's still several years away, though?" Thane questioned, fiddling idly with the expensive floral vase next to him.

"No, Ira is correct," Calix chimed in. "We can't continue with our preparations until we have the details worked out."

"How could we possibly know what to expect by then?" Thane argued. "There are far too many variables that come with time."

"That's precisely why we need to start plotting now," Calix replied. "If we take control of the variables, we'll know exactly what to expect."

"Alright, sure," Thane conceded, waving his hand lazily. "Carry on then."