TWENTY TWO: Uncomfortable Arrangements

I love you.

The words sounded so different coming from Dash's lips than when they had come from the emperor's.

Like an entirely different language.

Kel's heart wasn't pounding, and her stomach wasn't filled with butterflies. Rather, a pang of emptiness stung her chest while her stomach tied itself into a knot.

"It doesn't matter if you don't love me right now," Dash said softly, as if he already guessed Kel's reaction. "We have a whole lifetime together, so you can take your time."

Kel blinked in surprise.

"A whole lifetime?" she questioned, pulling away from Dash.

Every time Kel tried to seriously picture her future, she became overwhelmed with unshakeable dejection. The only way to keep herself from getting swallowed by the poignant feeling of loss was to keep her thoughts focused solely on the parched lands of Tael.