Knock. Knock.

Kel hardly noticed the soft raps against the door.

".. Come in," she responded absently, unaware the door was already opening.

"I'm here to check your condition," a stout woman with spectacles and a large bag announced, stepping into the room.

"... right," Kel answered, her mind still wandering elsewhere.

"Hmmm," the woman's voice rumbled in her throat as she pressed against Kel's wrist with two fingers.

Stopping to jot down a few notes, the woman then moved on to check Kel's head, parting the golden hair gently as she worked.

"Have you been taking the medication I prescribed?" she asked when she'd finished.

"No." Kel responded immediately, glancing at the vials of unopened liquid next to the bed.

How could she possibly trust a single thing she was given in this castle?