[Bonus chapter]NINETY THREE: The Dance pt 2

Lucy's alterations to Kel's dance outfit had left practically nothing behind.

The undergarments covering Kel's waist and thighs had been sliced until most of her body was clearly visible. 

It was the most exposed she'd ever been in her life, but she marched out that way--nothing but two pieces of pink taffeta draped over either side of her chest (held together by a knot Lucy tied behind her back) and a tiny piece of fabric that had once been proper underclothes, covering only the very important parts of her pelvis.

The stuffy nobles filling the ballroom had probably never seen something so scandalous before. 

And under any other circumstances, Kel would have been far too embarrassed to show such an appearance.

But in that moment, when Calix had pushed her nearly to the edge without giving her any room to breathe, all she could think about was the joy she would derive from his horrified face.