SEVEN: Faint but Unmistakable

Kel could only wonder what kind of thoughts were running through the Emperor's mind as he stared at the beautifully glowing stone.

When she'd met them, the two men were enemies--maybe even worse. There was no hint of brotherly affection between them. In fact, she never would have guessed they were related if she hadn't been told so.

They hated each other, the Emperor and his half brother.

They constantly spewed insults toward each other, plotted against each other, and raised their weapons against each other on more than one occasion.

However, when Calix was suffering from the illness that took him whenever he absorbed too much of Kel's power, that moonstone had been there.

It was a stretch to think that Soren was in Mevani at that time--that he knew of the Dragon Emperor's secret condition and left his own moonstone perfectly for Kel to find.

But it made even less sense to think that it had all been a coincidence.