NINE: A Strange Dream

That night, Kel fell asleep feeling happy and a bit excited.

Perhaps, that's why she had such a strange dream.

It began in a familiar way:

She was sitting under a canopy of brilliant green trees, her legs folded neatly under her and a delicate lace dress splaying out around her.

In her hands were a cookie and cup of steaming tea.

"That dress doesn't suit you at all!"

A boy's voice mocked from off to her left.

She looked over to see Dash kneeling beside her, his hands full of sweet treats as well.

"Well, I think it looks lovely on you, Kel!"

A shrill voice contradicted Dash, and Kel saw Adriell sitting to her right, sticking her tongue out at the boy.

A tea party amongst three friends in the golden rays of summer sun.