
We did not go far. 

It was a bright sunny day and there was no way we could avoid being seen by the throng of beachgoers, so they floated me up to the rooftop of the hotel and we landed on the vacant heliport. 

Up this high, there was nothing between us and the sky, and there was nobody around. 

We could do as we pleased and say what we needed to say without any judgements. 

"You are an amazing woman," Connor breathed into my left ear, entangling his fingers with mine.  "And I am saying that, in full view of no one."

"I told you she was an awesome mage," Corwin responded in my right ear, and at the same time, taking my hand into his.  "See, no fan girls around." 

"Why are you guys up here with me and not down there having fun with the surfer girls?"  I demanded.

"Because we'd rather be out here with our witchy woman," Connor laughed.

"The one who has completely bewitched us," Corwin added. 

"Wizards of your class and advanced levels should be immune to any sort of minor witching of low-level mages like me," I said in my most no-nonsense voice.

"We have nothing to defend ourselves against your kind of enchantment," Connor breathed.

"We are completely helpless," Corwin agreed.

"Why are you both whispering sweet nothings in my ears?"  I smiled.

"Because we need to finish the conversation we had earlier," Corwin said, his voice turning serious. 

Sensing the change of mood, I turned to look at him. 

"Where were we?"  I did not want to make assumptions as to what they were talking about.

"We," Connor declared, "were at the point of contemplating spending our entire life with the woman of our dreams, and we were waiting for her to give us her consent."

"A mage's life time.  That's a very long time to be with one woman," I said, thinking of all my professors who were in early-middle-age and easily several hundred years old. 

"It's not anywhere close to being long enough," Corwin replied, "but we're so desperate for your love, we'll take whatever dregs you're willing to give us."

"Yes," Connor agreed.  "See what you have reduced us to?" 

He gazed at Corwin with deep brotherly love.  "A couple of full-grown men with all the powers that First Class Wizards command, both groveling at your feet and so grateful for any small morsel of love that you choose to dole out."

I sighed.  "I've told you.  I will not choose between the two of you."

"Then choose us both."  The twins replied in unison, their voices blended into my ears in dulcet harmony.

Reaching out, I touched Corwin's head, bringing it down towards mine. 

For a moment, our foreheads touched.  I made the merest hint of contact with his mind and found a perfect armored sphere with no chink in its smooth uniform silver surface. 

My mind felt around and marveled at the smoothness of his mind. 

And then he let me in. 

I fell into a blinding, blazing tumultuous sea of thoughts, shimmering with passion and brilliance.

I wrapped the lambent radiance around me like a cloak and tumbled through his mind with the joy of light and life. 

I could hear him laughing with elation in my mind. 

So this is what it's like to be mind-bonded to you.  His mental voice came through to me.

Wow, you're so…sparkly!  I laughed. 

That's because I'm so in love with you, and you're blowing my mind right now.  He admitted. 

Your mind is very different from Connor's.  I said, and then I stopped short.


I withdrew from Corwin's mind and opened my eyes.  Connor was still standing beside me, but he looked as if he had been punched in the stomach. 

What's the matter?  I asked.

"You just mind-bonded with Corwin, didn't you?" he asked even though he was not expecting an answer from me. 

"I could feel how happy you were to meld with him." 

He turned away from me, blinking back tears.

"It's ok, love.  I understand.  More than anyone, I just want you to be happy." 

Connor…look at me.  I said.

For a moment, I thought he hadn't heard my mind speaking, but then he glanced back at me and my heart nearly broke. 

He looked grief-stricken.

Why are you so sad?  I asked him.

I knew it was going to come down to this.  He blinked, and then the real tears began.   

I don't know why you are so sad.  Aren't we bonded too?

Yes, but not in the way that you and he are bonded.

Well…that's because you don't have a band made for me yet.  Maybe we can get a set made somehow…where do you get those?  Do you order them somewhere?

Connor smiled through misty eyes at my spate of questions. 

In answer, he raised my left hand to his lips, kissing my palm with gentleness. 

With his left hand, he pulled a soul-band out of the air and raised it up into the sunlight where it gleamed with power. 

He whispered a Command, his eyes never leaving my face. 

The power runes began their etching, and before it finished forming, he had asked me the question.

"Will you accept?"  He breathed with barely concealed anxiousness. 

As before, I nodded. 

This time, however, I was in full understanding of the importance of my decision. 

My acceptance of Connor's proposal was also one that extended to Corwin's prior proposal. 

I looked at both my men. 

"For better or for worse…",

I accept both of you. 

I sent the affirmation into their minds simultaneously.

Corwin leaned into me as if he was drawing strength from my body. 

Connor swallowed hard as more tears flooded his eyes.  He had to stop for a moment to collect himself, wiping the moisture from his eyes with the back of his hand. 

I barely heard his whispered, "Thank you, Baby," before he guided the band onto my left wrist, and with a click, it snapped shut. 

He magiked another one out of whatever safe he kept his magikal items and then placed it on his left hand. 

Then he joined our bands and whispered the Entwining Command.
