Caravan Ride

We left Solaro as the huge strawberry full moon began to rise in the evening sky. 

Dr. Montblanc, or rather Papa, as he preferred to be called, insisted that traveling at night was much cooler and less arduous than traveling during the day. 

Immediately after our last dinner at the hotel, we were escorted to our multi-vehicle caravan. 

The lead van carried our guide, Simon, and two other armed guards. 

I rode with Papa and the twins in the middle van. 

The last van was occupied by two armed guards and the rest of our luggage. 

Abe declined the adventure, stating that he'd rather stay behind and keep Grandpapa company.  Of Tarzan, I saw neither hide nor hair. 

"Guys, why are we leaving without Tarzan?  where the heck is he?"

"He took off once he found out where the primates were located," Connor responded as he settled back in his seat.

"Yeah.  He's somewhere, on an adventure of his own making."