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"Is there no other way to solve this than to destroy Topaz City?"  I covered my face in despair.  "Why are we unable to repair the rift?" 

Connor shrugged.  "The mages have tried various methods, but the rifts keep occurring." 

He gestured with a futile hand.  "The problem is Topaz City's physical location.  It is the one kingdom that is wedged between the human world and the demon world and it is quite frail.  It technically shouldn't even exist." 

Corwin nodded.  "That it DOES exist is a marvel in magik ingenuity, and the result of a group of mages who gave up their lives to create the bubble."

"You actually know how the bubble was created?"  I gasped with incredulity.

"No," Corwin gave me a sad look.  "That knowledge no longer exists...that I know of."