Love Is Unpredictable

I had already heard this from Gabriel, so it wasn't quite the shock Mother thought it would be for me, but even so, coming in such a direct manner from her gave me a nauseous feeling.

"And what if we refuse?"

"You can't.  Alastaire Mocchus is adamant about seeing this wedding go through.  If you don't honor the agreement, we will all suffer the consequences."

I sniffed with disdain.  Did she think I was an easy pushover?

"You made the arrangements without consulting me.  Why should I care if you suffer the consequences?  It has nothing to do with me."

"It has everything to do with you.  What do you think will happen to your beloved Papa if the Mage Elites have their way?"

Papa was in danger? 

I cast her a worried glance.  "Is he in some kind of trouble?  What do you mean their way?  What are their plans for him?"