Hidden Entry

The highlight of the week was when Simon and Papa came to have dinner with us. 

It was midweek, and I was well enough at that time to have a real meal, so we had nice healthy portions of steak and some type of fluffy whipped potatoes. 

It had been almost two weeks since I'd had anything more exciting than porridge, so that was a double-treat night for me. 

I was so excited to see them, and chattered nonstop about everything that was happening around me. 

Gabriel was there too, but he said little, allowing Papa and Simon the chance to talk to me. 

At that time, I tried asking Simon and Papa about the twins, but they had not seen Connor or Corwin since the gala either. 

I was hoping they could stay for a long desert, but they begged off early, stating that the delicate nature of some experiments they were working on in their lab had to be monitored. 

So once again, I was on my own.