Freeing the Slaves 2

"So how do we go about doing it right?"  Gabriel leaned in, his eyes intense with excitement.

"Ah, my baby brother, I am so proud of you.  The most important step is to recognize that there is even a problem.  Once the problem has been identified, we can then take steps to ameliorate it." 

Rafael smiled.  "First, I will tell you what NOT to do.  You do NOT just announce to every slave, You are all free to go.  So go and live your life as you please!" 

He inclined his head.  "What do you think happens to someone who has been a slave all his life and is suddenly free?"

I frowned as I grasped the enormity of the situation.  "I'm guessing that they won't know what to do.  They might wander around like lost souls, not knowing how to fit into normal society or even how to make a living for themselves."