
"Oh no."  My heart plummeted to the bottom of my stomach.  We were all at the very end of our endurance.  There was no way we could scale this debris that had clogged the only way out of the tunnel. 

"It's ok.  Don't be scared," Connor's voice was steady.  "I can hear air whistling through the gaps of this tunnel, so at the very least, we're not going to suffocate.  Stay here with Corwin while I check this out." 

He forged ahead, the dancing blue flame in front of him casting his dark shadow over me and Corwin.

I took my eyes off Connor for a moment to check on Corwin's condition.  Other than his chest, rising and falling with his shallow breathing, he was unmoving. 

I placed my hand on the hoverboard, feeling it wavering up and down, as if it was floating on a layer of water.  The twins had said that to keep the hoverboard moving, they had to use their own energy.