Glass Mask

"Connor."  I called out in a soft voice, as if to a frightened child. 

I could see fear in the depths of his blue eyes. 

Connor, can you hear me? 

"No!  Don't…" he shook his head, as if tortured. 

"Don't mind-bond with me.  I want to hear your voice out here where it's clean and untainted."

"It's okay, Connor." I approached him.  "I am here." 

I got to within arm's length from him and held out my hands. 

"I want to hug you.  Will you let me?"

He stared at me, unblinking, as if trying to determine whether or not I was an illusion.  Then he nodded. 

I took one step towards him and he dropped his head onto my shoulder and clung onto me like a child with night terrors.    Since I was so much shorter than he was, it was all I could do to keep both of us upright. 

I finally managed to get him towards the chaise lounge, where I sat him down and then, for the next few minutes, tried to comfort him as best as I could.