Demon Paw, Resurfaced

"Louis Palais!  You fool.  What in heavens are you doing here?"  Prince Erick laughed and gently bumped fists with the necromancer.

"It's been awhile, my friend.  I hear you're an Emperor now.  Your job must be tough."

"Yeah.  It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it."  Erick laughed.

"What about you?"  He slapped Louis Palais' shoulder.  "After we graduated from the Academy, you left and pursued necromancy.  How did that go?"

"I'm still doing it.  You can say it's taken over my life."  He indicated with his head at the direction where Erick had sensed the demon.

Erick narrowed his eyes.  "We really need to talk about this healer demon you've got hidden back there."   

Louis folded his arms over his chest and regarded the Prince with hesitancy.  "Okay, before we go into all the niceties, I think we're going to have to brief you on what's been going on."