Necromancing is Hard Work!

The sun was close to the edge of the ocean.  It would soon be dark.  Already, the lamp lights within the RV had begun to flicker on. 

The Crown Prince of Jade, Erick Rashak was outside on the parking lot of the Montblanc Hotel, pacing back and forth for what seemed like forever.

Back and forth.  Back and forth.  Back and forth.

I sat inside the RV, watching him mumbling to himself and then resuming his pacing—back and forth, back and forth. 

"Hey there," Corwin tapped me on the hand.  "Your turn."

We were playing Gin Rummy to pass the time while Louis and Tomas were seated at the front of the RV discussing the best roads to take to reach Avalon. 

They wanted to begin the journey at night since there was less traffic on the roads and it was cooler driving.

"I wonder why Prince Erick is out there looking like he's possessed by something."